海聚“新”才 | 标新生物3名人才成功申领临港新片区安家补贴!

发布日期:2024-03-25 文章来源:标新生物







Recently, Jiang Suping, an employee who has been employed for just over a year in Gluetacs Therpeutics, successfully applied for a settlement of subsidy of 26,000 yuan, which is a rich income for her first coming to Lingang.

“I graduated last year and applied for a job. A series of talent policies such as the relocation subsidy issued by Lingang are very friendly to graduates. I thank the government and the company for providing guarantees for the long-term development of employees in Lingang.” Jiang Suping said.

Similarly, Ren Chaowei and Xue Xiaochuan, new employees working in Gluetacs, also successfully applied for the settlement allowance.

In the past two years, the company has attached great importance to the welfare benefits of newly introduced college students, not only actively implementing the subsidy policy of enterprises for new employees, but also docking with government departments to strive for more policy dividends and help talent work more smoothly.

In 2024, the company continued to pay close attention to relevant information, actively contacted government departments, learned about Lingang’s policy of granting talent subsidies to graduates, assisted employees to prepare and submit materials in advance, successfully completed the talent subsidy application, and successfully provided the relocation subsidy for the above two master’s graduates and one doctorate.

The success of the application of talent subsidies made the new employees feel the care of the enterprise and the government, alleviated their pressure of relocation, and enhanced their sense of belonging and happiness. Graduates said that they will redouble their efforts and enthusiasm to work actively, in order to repay their employer and the government.